A nice post about the similarities and differences between programming and writing fiction.
An interesting online course with materials for lots of useful “tricks of the trade” for working programmers that you don’t usually get taught in University and have to pick up “on the job”.
A good resource for interview preparation or just brushing up on stuff: Advent of Code (2021 version, 2022 version, 2023 version, 2024 version, which I tried to complete using Rust).
A nice thread on obscure and interesting data structures.
A nice explanation of garbage collection in programming languages.
This is a really great tutorial on how to write a basic renderer, have seen it mentioned a couple of times as a good template for a project to learn a new programming language.
A nice biography of a hobby coder - would be wonderful to write something like this myself one day.
Elements of Programming, a great fundamentals-style textbook full of terse and precise definitions of all sorts of things that come up while you’re programming algorithms.